Friday, October 26, 2007

Per 7 Assignment 10/26

Hey all!!
I'm currently at counties for cross country. We are going to finish the movie on monday snd discuss the origin of life. Today you are going to get together in your lab groups and put a rough draft together of the lab report. All sections of the report should be finished at this point. What you are going to do today is use the lab report evaluation sheet that is posted on the group to look at each section of the lab. This is a 3 step process. Step 1- using lab write and the evalution sheet read the rough draft of the report. Step 2-for each check point on the rubric you need to find a specific quote from the lab report that accomplishes the checkpoint(do this electronically by cutting and pasteing the quote). Step 3- Make recommendations on how each section could be improved. Use labwrite to help you with this. If you look in the resource section there are sample lab reports that will give you examples as well as a rubric that is hyperlinked with additional support. Upon completion of the activity the document must be e-mailed to me no later than tonight (1 per lab group).In addition to the lab evaluation worksheet every member of the class must complete 2 peer evaluation forms. Form 1 is peer evaluation lab group and form 2 is peer evaluation lab job. These also must be e-mailed to me. Please place your name in the subject of the e-mail so I know who this is from.
Ok that is all (I think) We will be completing the lab writing process next Tuesday after the quiz.